Old meets New, the Flusche Family at Bahrain Fort

Old meets New, the Flusche Family at Bahrain Fort
Life overseas can be an overwhelming and exciting adventure.
Come be swept away with us in the Kingdom of Bahrain!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

First Day of First Grade!

Tanner was excited to start his second year at The Bahrain School this past September.

He was happy to hear many of his friends from Kindergarden would be in his new class! He was lucky to stay in the same classroom as the previous year. For the next few months he would have his new teacher, Ms. Lindsy to guide him through the day.

What a BEAUTIFUL day to start a new year of school!
No school year could begin without a cool new backpack!
The force is strong in this one!
Happy First Day of School T-Man!

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