Old meets New, the Flusche Family at Bahrain Fort

Old meets New, the Flusche Family at Bahrain Fort
Life overseas can be an overwhelming and exciting adventure.
Come be swept away with us in the Kingdom of Bahrain!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cry Baby

Well, I guess we have begun the settling in process. We have lived in Bahrain now for 28 days and our little world has consisted, for the most part, of the hotel and base.

Today, Tanner began taking classes at a British school in the area. He has been out of formal school since mid-October and has missed the routine of a school schedule, as have I. When touring the school he acted aloof and non interested... but today was a different story.

Tanner walked through the parking lot like he had cement in his shoes. As we climbed the staircase to his classroom he held my hand (tightly). As we walked through the door my "tough guy" hid behind me when 18 sets of five year old eyes gawked at him. His teacher is an adorable British woman with bobbed red hair. She welcomed Tanner and asked the class to greet Tanner and help him find his cubby. Tanner acted very shy, which is so foreign to me, in fact my heart swelled and panic struck in.

But don't you worry my dear friends I held it together (until I made it to the staircase). AND THEN IT HAPPENED.... the flood gates opened and I boo-hooed like a big ol' baby! I tried to hide the tears from the school's assistant but Shanee saw right through me trying to hide my drenched eyes behind Gavin in the baby front carrier. She got worried and asked me if I wanted to go back and check on him or if she could check on him for me. "No, no, not necessary" I insisted I was fine (LIAR) and tried to dry up the water works before I drew any more attention to myself. She said she would check on him in an hour's time and call my cell to give me an update. Again, "not necessary" are the words that came from my mouth but "Oh good, thank God!" is what danced in my head.

I know he'll be just fine. Actually, I know he'll be better than "just fine"... by 11:00AM he'll be lifelong friends with the whole class and know all the names of the children in the surrounding classes. I have no idea what came over me. I never cried taking him to Mother's Day Out or Yorktown Christian Academy. I think it's that our whole life feels so new. All of it, new country, new culture, new "looking" people and their dress, new foods, new sounds, we've been living out of suitcases in a hotel and using a rental car... it all seems so foreign, so different. The only thing that has remained consistent and comfortable is the 4 of us. This morning is the first time since we set foot on this island that Tanner has been out of my sight.

Again, I know he's fine, fabulous in fact. He's having a ball and playing with his new friends at this very moment. I just wish I could be as mature as my precious five year old! Breath in, breath out, have another cup of coffee and enjoy the quiet because when I pick him up in a few hours the chaos will start up and I'll miss the silence, right! :)


Ashley said...

Awe that made me teary eyed! But you are right! I can't wait to hear how fabulous his first day was!

Jen Braden said...

I am so proud of Tanner and his precious mommy!! Change is VERY hard and you have done an AMAZING job with it!! Tanner is an example to us all on how to handle a new situations!! Can't wait to Skype soon!! Love you!!

Christy Flusche said...

Loved that story. Made me sad:( kids are amazing and especially Tanner, I bet he had an awesome day!!! I hope you are hanging in there!!!