FUN with a baby, a boat, a ball and a box! ;)
The video reflects a pretty typical morning at the Flusche house, Enjoy!
Gavin is days away from turning 21 months, as you can see in the above video he his a VERY busy little guy!
Gavin likes to pretend he's talking "business" on the phone, anything can be a phone, ANYTHING! He "vrooooms" cars and "RRRRAAARRRH" everything from toy dinosaurs to blocks. If he picks up something that is soft or stuffed (such as a teddy bear) he cuddles it up to his neck and pretends to "rock the baby"... sweet little boy!
Recently Gavin has taken a liking to dancing which we call his diaper-booty-boogie AND folks... music is NOT necessary to bring on his fabulous moves!!! (laugh) Another hobby (to my dismay) is climbing. Gavin will be my dare-devil child, completely fearless! He can now scale the bottom landing of our marble staircase in less than 5 seconds and it scares me half to death - KEEP AN EYE ON THIS GUY, he may be tiny but he's mighty (and seriously FAST)!
Gavin's words are slowly but surely coming:
Mama- his FAVORITE word - mine too! ;)
Bobo- ("Brother" perhaps, it's what he calls Tanner)
Mo- (more)
Dis- (this)
Seeees- ("Cheese", when he sees a camera - sadly, my doing - poor kid, LAUGH!)
My- (Interchangeable for "mine" and "my" ("water" in Arabic)
This week he has mimicked:
Tee-Too ("thank you")
Saw-Saa (What's that?")
Uuuu-Ooooo (uh-oh)
pay-jay (play with Jade)
We leave for Tulsa to see family in just a few days, it's been 11 months... They're not going to believe their eyes!